SIMnet and Hardware


Once you've completed the Class Introduction module (in Brighspace), you are ready to move into our first week. At this point you should have read through our syllabus and made your introduction in our Slack team site. If you haven't completed these items, go back to the "Class Introduction" section (in Brightspace) and follow the directions there.

Next we need to get you registered for your SIMnet access. SIMnet is what you will use to access our online textbook readings and skills training.

Today, we have a variety of different types of computers that we use on a daily basis. Laptops, desktops, mobile phones and tablets, and wearable computers all share many fundamental components. Regardless of their form, our computers process and store information, receive input, and deliver output.


At the end of this week, you will be able to:

Learning Activities

  1. Read the 'The System Unit - Hardware' chapter SIMBook in SIMnet.
  2. Read the 'Input and Output' chapter SIMBook in SIMnet.
  3. As an LSC student, you get Office 365 for free which means you can install the full version of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint on your own computer.  Either Windows or Mac.  This short video provides a short introduction to what's possible.
  4. View this INFOGRAPHIC - Top Skills Students Need for Success.


  1. Register for access to the SIMnet system.
  2. Complete the Hardware lab (#lab1-hardware channel in Slack).