Emerging Technology


Technology is ever changing and it continues to expand into more areas of our lives each day. Though, we often focus on the personal aspects of its effect, technology is certainly changing the way in which we work. As a new college student, you may have yet to enter the workforce. Or, perhaps, you may be a student who has returned to college with the goal of developing a new skillset. Either way, it is important for us to consider how technology is molding, if not completely redefining, what our jobs will look like in the future.

This week we investigate a variety of emerging technologies and consider their potential impact on our work today and in the future. These technologies include:

These technologies are finding their way into new areas of our lives and being applied to our work. These changes are also prompting us to consider the ethical and moral impact of these technologies as they make their way into our personal and professional lives.


At the end of this week, you will be able to:

Learning Activities

Visit the following resource links:
  1. VIDEO - Medical Applications of 3D Printing (FDA)
  2. INFORMATION - 3-D printing: A Medical Revolution
  3. VIDEO - 3D Scanning and Printing in Medical Applications
  4. INFORMATION - Why Choose 3D Laser Scanning over Touch Probes in Manufacturing Quality Control
  5. INFORMATION - ExxonMobil Immersive 3D (Virtual Reality) Training Environment
  6. VIDEO - Augmented Reality in Education
  7. VIDEO Sphero 2 (Robot) Introduction Video
  8. VIDEOS - DIY Learn Electronics and Arduino Just By Watching These Videos
If visiting the University Park campus (of Lone Star College) is convenient for you, be sure to stop by the Innovation Room, Bldg 13 Rm 739. There you will find all kinds of cool and emerging technology that you can try for yourself. If getting to campus isn't possible, here's a Google Slides presentation "tour" of the room and its technologies.


  1. Complete the Emerging Technology Lab in SIMnet.
  2. Complete the Emerging Technology Quiz in SIMnet.