Week 5 - Consolidating and Linking Data and Inserting Object (Ch5)


When multiple worksheets have identical layouts and labels, you can summarize data with the Consolidate command. You can also link to data in a different workbook to build a formula or display information. In this chapter, you will learn how to consolidate data from multiple sheets in the same workbook and how to link multiple workbooks with an external reference formula. You will also insert SmartArt graphics, illustrations, and hyperlinks in a worksheet.


At the end of this week, you will be able to:

Learning Activities

  1. Read Ch 5 (SIMBook) in SIMnet.
  2. Complete the end-of-chapter questions to check your knowledge (you are not required to submit these).


  1. Complete Excel Ch 5 SIMBook 'Let Me Try' in-reading tasks.
  2. Complete Excel Ch 5 SIMnet Project 1.
  3. Complete Excel Ch 5 SIMnet Project 2.